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What is MRVets?


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MRVets, P.C., is a practice that specializes in providing MRI consultations to referring veterinarians. Our main practice website is at

Here you can ask questions and post information on a variety of topics from MRI positioning to interesting cases you have seen. You can also initiate a request for us to read your MRI images by clicking on the link at the upper right of the page that says "submit a request."

We are DACVR board-certified radiologists, led by Dr. Patrick R. Gavin, professor emeritus at WSU, who was one of the early pioneers of veterinary MRI.

We occasionally read CTs or radiographs for our MRI clients, but for the most part we specialize in MRI. While most teleradiologists generalize in all diagnostic modalities, our unique focus means we read more MRI studies than almost anybody, giving us the kind of diagnostic confidence that comes only from experience. We take client service seriously too, and as a small team we take pride in being highly responsive to our referring veterinarians.

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